Wow! Months gone by and nothing posted. I started this thing to network a little bit but also to learn how to do it so I could instruct my lady on how to get her much more interesting thing out there. However, keeping a Blog certainly doesn't come naturally to me! Actually, to be honest, uptake of "new" media of all kinds doesn't come naturally. Case in point: I obtained my first smart phone towards the end of 2015, and I wasn't comfortable enough to admit that I liked the bloody thing until quite recently!
My oldest friends have been known to joke about my dislike of change. I don't like to admit it, but the evidence is quite clear that they are right...
Anyway, my productivity on a number of projects has dropped off of late. For the most part I've been concentrating on a few work projects that ate my time and left little room for faffing about and taking a serious shot at this Blog or for recreational and developmental writing. On that front, I've also struggled with a few minor tweaks to my Obsidian Portal site that have left me impatient to relearn simple web tools. I usually deal with frustration by withdrawing into apathy and seeking simple entertainments.
At this point, I'd like to add that we do indeed live in a Golden Age of TV. Not that awful bloody Reality stuff. Oh no. As a happy nerd, weaned on cheesy horror films and comic books, I am singularly impressed by nearly all iterations of both of those genres currently kicking about in TV land. In my apathy I have recently become acquainted with more than a few of them. Nice darts, Netflix. Nice darts.
Also, computer games. Lots and lots of Crusader Kings lately. Great game that.
And so, hopefully I'm over the bump and off and running again. I aim to take another shot at Blogging and actually produce something useful here, so if you are reading I am happy to take advice on how to make it work more effectively.
I'm currently of a mind to hook Gravid Musings up with our Dark Ages Vampire game, the Concord of Ashes. Hosted by Obsidian Portal, the game has run more or less continuously for some years now, fleshing out and adding to the Transylvania Chronicles and Constantinople by Night. At this stage I've added a link and picture to the infamous Marelle, the Sculptor of Wolves. If you're into that sort of thing, do check it out and let me know what you think...